Haran Karmaker

Haran Karmaker


KarmakerSmlHaran Karmaker received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1974. He served as Research Engineer and Electromagntics Team Leader at General Electric Canada from 1975 to 2004. He joined TECO-Westinghouse R&D in 2004, where he is now a Principal Engineer. Dr. Karmaker has published over 60 technical papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. In 2008, he received the Best Paper Award by the IEEE Power & Energy Society for his paper, “Investigations on Skewed Stator Synchronous Machines,” published in the Transactions on Energy Conversion. Dr. Karmaker has contributed technically to the development of many international standards and is the present Chair of the Working Group on the revision of IEEE standard 115 on “Synchronous Machines Test Procedures.” He served as Chair of the IEEE working group developing a new standard on “Guide for Testing Permanent Magnet Machines,” published in 2014, for which the group was awarded an Outstanding Standard Working Group by the IEEE Power & Energy Society. Dr. Karmaker is a co-author of the Design Handbook on Electric Motors published by Marcel & Dekker in 2004. He received the Outstanding Engineer Award of IEEE Canada in 2004. He has six U.S. and international patents and is a Life Fellow of IEEE.